Friday, May 20, 2011

I feel like crap.

I do. I feel crappy. I feel fat and lazy and just plain unhappy.
The other day I took a 5 hour energy shot cause I didn't sleep the night before and I needed energy to get me up to take my son to school and get through my workout, and minutes after I took it I found myself smiling for no reason, thinking brighter thoughts, and once I got to the gym I was charming the pants off of people with my great attitude, and biked 5 miles walked 4. It was then that I realized, I NEVER have energy. Thats why I am down all the time. I am really tired of it. So im gonna do something about it.
Now I already sleep pretty well. For the most part I fall asleep at around 10 and wake up weekdays at 5 and weekends at 8. I get good sleep.
My diet leaves to be desired. For a while I was doing nutrisystem, and I did actually feel a difference in energy when I was eating right, but I didn't stick with it for long. So I don't eat very well but I never have junk food in my house. I just don't eat necessarily healthy.
For the past couple of days I have been drinking a lot of water. When I say a lot I mean just above 200 oz. a day. My body is not used to this so so far the only real difference I've noticed is I pee a whole heap more. Pretty much seconds after drinking water. Im hoping that will end.
I lead a pretty sedentary life. I thought that would be important.
I am resolving to change.
So tonight I am going to do a ridiculous amount of research on how to up the energy, and within the weekend ill relate my findings to you:)
Wish me luck! XOXO

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