Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Ideal Diet

Ahhhh Victoria's Secret models. The epitome o' hot. They make our world sizzle and trick us into believing we can look as good as they can in the frilly cloth bits they manage to sell us. It takes true hotness to cause optical elusions people. Trust that these models will cause drool. As much as we, correction I, hate them for their beauty, we forget that with quite a bit of hard work and determination, anyone can have a lean toned body.

What we can not allow ourselves to think though, is that these models rely on good genes to keep there million dollar bodies. Though they are lucky to have legs as long as my entire body, and amazing bone structure,and miracle metabolisms, its not all genes. One extreme hottie who has said that members of her family are "heavily overweight" is the gorgeous Jessica Alba! She had to fight her fat genes to get to the hotness within! Point is I don't want anyone going into this with a bad attitude because they think there bad genes are a notch in the wrong direction before they even begin. Ultimately you control your body. To an extent, you can control how you look.

What I want to touch on before I forget is, there is no way to be truly healthy, and to lose good weight, if you are going to try to cut out a food group. Yes, you need carbs as much as you need protein and you need fat as much you need water. There are limits though. And that is where we are going now:)

  So it may seem strange to some fad-diet aficionados to hear that we need carbs. Carbs are essential and very good for you, you just need to know how to manipulate carbs. The job of carbs is to regulate the amount of sugar circulating in your system and distribute said sugar where it needs to be so that you have sufficient energy. Carbs got its bad name when people began confusing simple and complex carbs. Simple carbs require little digestion and are good for a quick energy source. These carbs while chock full of sugar, offer little nutrients.
Complex carbs are found in grains,vegetables, and legumes. Being starches, these slow burning fires take longer to digest and provide energy in a more even manner because they are burned in a constant and time released manner.
Proteins are pretty self-explanatory. One thing I would like to stress though is how much better for you organic, grass fed,wild grown, meats are. Not only are organic farms known to be more humane but the animals are fed better, meaning they don't have nearly the same amount of diseases from the rotten crap thats fed to the masses of non-organic cows. You can imagine the effect that that would have on the nutrients these animals can offer you. In proteins though, obviously you cannot eat bacon with every meal. Not all protein is the same. For instance if you wanted a thick cut of roast, OR some delicious tempeh, I would highly suggest  that you bite the bullet and put that delicious,tender meat down. Pork is not all fat, but roast is. If you want pork, eat loins. Fowl like turkey and chicken are always a good choice AS LONG AS YOU DONT TRY TO FRY THEM. Boiling things in oil, not good for losing weight. Just not.
You need dairy & fat free is the way to go. Yogurts are great, but the yoplait type is not the best. Stay plain and european. Its the healthy stuff, dont kid yourself into thinking you did something good if you ate sugared up gloop that passes for under 100 calories. Cottage cheese you can add to anything as its an amazing source of protein, besides that there arent too many cheeses that are great for you. Goat cheese, ricotta (hah!),and perhaps feta, would be your best choices.
Lastly, your body needs fats. Not those delicious fats that you find in ranch or oozing off of extra cheesy pizzas, good fats that you find in avocados or pecans. Fat is needed not only as an energy source but for many fat soluble vitamins that need fat to absorb in our bodies. We need fats. The body works in a system and a system only operates correctly when all components are in the equation and up to par.

    Now that we have the components down, we add what ties them all together.
Every interview on diet with a Vickys Secret model that I have read states clearly that these gorgeous ladies believe in 4-6 small meals a day. What this does is keeps your energy high by constantly supplying healthy foods in a timely manner all day, stave off any hunger craving you could have(unless its junk food cravings, only junk food gets rid of those ladies and gents and we are above that) and set your metabolism at a pace that would have a rat on a wheel out of breath. Now what I am going to try to do is fit  small amount of every food group into my meals. And I mean a minuscule about. So for breakfast I would have a spinach omelette (1 egg), dry whole wheat/whole grain toast, a quarter cup plain yogurt with 5 pecans and a half banana, and 1 oz. boiled chicken breast. A huge breakfast, but an extremely healthy one.

     There are no miracle cures. There is no pill you can take that will allow you to sit on your ass and shed pounds. If you want real results, and that feeling that you worked hard to have the body you want, follow the diet. Set it up your own way and be proud that you gave yourself limitations. If your anything like me, you have no self control. You like instant gratification. Hell I enjoy mopping a dirty floor so I can see that instant difference. So you will benefit from the intense joy at finding your self motivation as much as I will.


  1. I would love to become a model/actress, Victoria's Secret model would mean the world to me.
    I am a picky eater and I work at Applebee's. Is there any way you can help me to come up with healthy things to eat and hep keep me to it??


  2. Hello Kimber92!
    Honestly, the first thing I would say to do is start looking for another job. Dont quit at Applebees but I would say you should start looking for something away from that constant temptation. While looking for another job one of the easiest things I would say to do is start trying to see applebees food as disgusting. It might not work but you can try! Do not snack on their food! Bring your own snacks! As a picky eater myself I adore shopping for vegan/healthy foods cause I always feel that I am handpicking my future body! So try packing some healthy things that will curve your appetite like some steel cut oats or fruits, even some sweet potato fries (baked of course). Theres so many ways to eat healthy, especially for picky eaters who care what goes into their mouth and bodies. The goal is to make it so your not hungry throughout your work day, so as long as you dont want to eat the restaurants food, you wont. Of course if you cant fight off temptations you wont. I would say make it a general rule with yourself that you cant eat anything from there. AT ALL. This all comes back to your metabolism too remember that! Some woman's metabolism can take a 600 calorie burger like a pro, while a lot of others cant. One more thing, look at it as a trade. If I eat these frys now, I do an HOUR of jumping jacks when I get home, if I drink this soda, I have to run a quarter mile, It will help to make the food less tempting. Lastly, I read this the other day and found it SO helpful, think like a victorias secret model. What would she do? How much soda or unhealthy food would she eat? Her career is her body and obviously they are serious about their bodies, would she let herself eat applebees food? Go as far to as, how would she walk down the street? Would she let her nail polish chip?? Little things like this will keep you mentally focused on your goal and on the fabulous life you want to live! So good luck and I hope I helped you somewhat!
